Our story began with a question

Path to Arabic online class with a tutor

Surely there must be a much better and easier way to learn Arabic?

 This was the question both Ahmed and Samir; the founders had asked back in 2011 when Ahmed was trying to learn the Arabic language. This ultimately led to Path to Arabic (PTA), and it has been the core foundation of PTA ever since. 

From day one...

Frustrated with the difficulties and challenges of learning the Arabic language online they both started Path to Arabic with a small concept that ignited an even bigger and more ambitious vision. Although the team has grown, the vision, values, and passion for Arabic remain the same. We are now a leading online Arabic language platform.


Solving problems within.

As product developers, making the whole Arabic language learning process much better, easier and more convenient was a big part of their overall strategy. At the time, it seemed as though every platform available didn't have the required structure, which made learning Arabic very hard and overwhelming.

Our Mission.

We have an amazing, dedicated and visionary team at Path to Arabic to build an effective solution for learning the Arabic language. With this software in place, our mission has become to revive the Arabic language to unite the people.

‘’Being an Arab does not come to you from your father or mother, but from your tongue. For whoever speaks Arabic is an Arab’’

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