Learning Arabic online vs classroom based teachings has been increasing in popularity over the years due to many various factors. In this modern time and age, technology has been the at the forefront of our everyday lives. For the good or better, it has been made incredibly convenient for people to access resources in foreign languages without even stepping into the country where the language is spoken.

The use of multimedia tools has given birth to the term ‘e-learning’ or ‘online classrooms’. It taps on new methodologies such as video and audio-visual characteristics across mediums such as instant messaging, forum boards and chat groups. With the availability of hardware tools such as webcams and desktops, the walls of the classroom have essentially been torn down to make way for students all over the world to sit and interact with one another, wherever they are.

What this means is also easier access to teachers and lecturers, whom they can stay connected to both during and after class via email correspondences. This allows immediate correction towards mistakes that may develop into bad habits when left unattended. Personal guidance on the subject matter can also help students significantly especially when the Arabic language is inflected and have sounds that don’t exist in English.

As with traditional classrooms, time is a limiting factor both for students and teachers alike. Other factors such as commute and restrictions on the building premises may deter both parties from having a fruitful time in learning and teaching the Arabic language respectively. Bounded by these factors, students may start to lose their keen interest over time due to the hurdles and restrictions that they have to face. It is indeed becoming increasingly counter-productive for lessons to be conducted in classrooms, an idea that was so prevalent in the pre-information technology era.

Just like how doing homework and practice sessions for subjects such as Mathematics and Science, constant practice of the Arabic language is also crucial in mastering it. An online platform or library will allow students to refer to relevant notes and materials that are necessary, at any time of the day. On top of that, the concept of e-learning also respects the learning pace of each individual without any form of pressure from other students. In addition to that, learning Arabic online also offers the comfort and sense of security that students desire.

Compare this vis-a-vis to traditional methodologies of doing coursework where interaction is almost linear and quite rarely a two-way communication. Plus it is almost not feasible for it to be real-time and instantaneous as well as teachers will require time to vet students’ works. This level of inefficiency drags the amount of time that students need to learn Arabic, something which can be circumvented in current times.

Learning Arabic online also grants a high level of accessibility for students at any time of the day, wherever they are. They also are more flexible in undergoing their day-to-day tasks be it work, school or family, even if it means leaving pockets of time aside to practice their Arabic. While the onus is on students to carve their own success, it definitely does not bound them to a fixated time and place where they have to be physically present for class.

Online resources also enable information to be consumed by the various devices that are applicable in modern times such as smartphones and tablets. Lessons attended and tutorials attempted while on the go, so long as there is Internet connectivity. How amazing is that!

Compare this to the use of a physical library coupled and the need to attend classes at timings deemed applicable to the institution, which can be disruptive to one’s schedule. This inflexibility may dissuade students from pursuing the actual intent of going to school – to learn the Arabic language. The old-school – no pun intended – methods are increasingly unpopular as well amongst students especially when they have been proven time and again to be better resources out there in achieving a better outcome.

A virtual classroom is a wonderful alternative to the pace and lifestyle of today’s society. Not many can afford to relocate or leave their personal responsibilities aside, just to pursue their dream of learning Arabic. But as with all things in life that we are passionate about, we should always seek other means in making our dreams a reality.

So don’t let your dreams go up in ashes just yet. PathtoArabic.com may just be the solution that you are looking out for all while in making your dream of learning and mastering Arabic come true. Visit their online portal to find out more about how you can learn Arabic online today.


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